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RSCC Policy GA-24-01; 制度的有效性

保单号码: GA-24-01
主题: 制度的有效性

自1993年以来, 贝博体育 (RSCC) has utilized a systematic, 周期性的, 基于研究的制度规划整合过程, 评价, and improvement activities in order to demonstrate institutional effectiveness.

The college’s institutional effectiveness system incorporates the strategic planning process of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) which provides a collaborative framework for establishing and assessing institutional goals and 目标 in support of system-wide educational priorities. 作为这个过程的一个组成部分, the college sets benchmarks for the accomplishment of its stated goals and 目标, 评估它是否达到了这些结果/目标, and uses the results of this assessment for improvement opportunities. The college utilizes SPOL (Strategic Planning Online™) an integrated, online system to record and continuously update departmental strategic 目标, 评估工作, 并利用评估结果进行改进.

负责机构效率的副总裁, Planning and Student Success Initiatives provides oversight to ensure that planning and 评价 efforts are consistent with institutional goals and provides training and assistance to 教师 and 工作人员 on the development and implementation of assessment measures and the use of SPOL.

The basic elements of the college's institutional effectiveness process are the following:

  1. Mission Statement - The college mission statement is developed as part of a broad-based effort involving the TBR, 学院战略规划委员会, 教师, 工作人员, 还有学生和外部支持者. 使命宣言, as the defining statement of institutional purpose and vision, 经检讨及, 如果有必要的话, 在每个规划周期开始时修订.
  2. Institutional Goals - The Tennessee Board of Regents develops goals for each planning cycle based upon system-wide priorities. 2020年之前, this was done on a five-year cycle; however, statewide goals for higher education have moved the system toward a ten-year planning cycle. 在这些优先事项的指导下, 贝博体育的战略规划委员会, representing the major areas of institutional activity and 教师, 员工及行政界别, uses input from internal and external resources to develop the college’s institutional goals, 目标, 以及规划期间的年度基准. During the course of the planning cycle the college's 目标 are periodically reviewed to determine if internal or external conditions necessitate any changes to 目标 or benchmarks.
  3. Departmental Outcomes and Objectives - Each academic and administrative organizational unit develops 目标 and action plans for the academic/fiscal year. The process of establishing annual unit 目标 begins with the development of departmental budgets. 在二月至三月期间, college units develop budgets for the upcoming fiscal year which begins July 1. Departmental budgets are based upon (1) distribution of allocated funds for base operations and (2) requests for new funds to support activities associated with strategic 目标 linked to institutional goals. All requests for new funding must be tied to 目标 with designated action plans and assessment measures. 大学预算委员会(由校长组成), 副总统, 采购和合同总监, 以及教务委员会的主席, Support Staff Council and Student Government Association) prioritizes new funding requests based upon alignment with institutional goals and fiscal feasibility). Concurrent with or immediately following the budget development calendar, academic and administrative units also establish strategic 目标 which are not dependent upon new funding for implementation. Throughout this process the Office of 制度的有效性 and Research is available to facilitate departmental meetings and help departments write their 目标.
  4. Implementation of Evaluation/Assessment – In order to determine the effectiveness of the college’s strategic efforts, one or more assessment measures must be associated with each academic and administrative unit objective. Departments may utilize a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative assessments conducted on an institutional basis and/or develop their own unit-level means of evaluating the accomplishment of departmental 目标. Assessment measures commonly selected include outcomes testing, 调查, 为趋势或比较分析收集数据, 贝博体育评审, 等.
  5. 评估结果的使用-每年一次, academic and administrative units conduct an analysis of their 评价/assessment results and determine how to use the results of assessment for ongoing improvement and continual progress toward accomplishment of their outcomes and 目标. The flexibility of the SPOL online documentation system enables planning units to close the loop on strategies and 目标 that have been completed as well as carry forward into the next year 目标 that will continue.

Revision History: 09/01/1995, 12/15/1999, 03/15/2004, 02/04/2008, 04/30/2010; 05/24/2010, 09/09/2014
修订生效日期: 04/10/2023
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 03/16/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: Vice President for 制度的有效性, Planning, and Research
综述: 03/10/2023


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